Monday, December 26, 2011

Lovely Christmas

day with our wonderful family and friends.  Dinner was excellent, everyone got Christmas present that they loved and a mean game of scrabble was played after dinner.  A really fun day for everyone. 

Now it's back to reality, going to start doing some really deep cleaning and get the house back in good order so I can start working on my 2012 quilting goals, which I will post here to keep me on track and focused.  Starting with "No buy" fabric rule for 2012, use up this monumental stash I've acquired over the years.  Reorganize the sewing room and make it more user friendly, it is a cluttered mess right now with nary a flat surface that is not cluttered with leftover stuff.  Yikes, but the house is first, starting with the kitchen and bathrooms today.


  1. Oh my goodness! A no-buy rule for fabric this year! That is a very good challange. I don't think I could take up that challenge but I know I will take up a deep cleaning challenge. My home needs a deep cleaning so we can all feel comfortable again. It's amazing how clutter creates unrest.

  2. Denise I just can't function in chaos so I need to get things back in order. I can't even blame kids, none live here anymore although the grandkids spend crafty time with me.
