Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My bad

my no buy resolution for 2012 lasted 4 days.  Today was having fun at lunch bunch when Fred the fabric fairy from ups dropped off a BIG package which turned out to be the most beautiful red, beige, red/white, etc fabric.  Well Bonita opened up the box and set the fabric out to inventory and price, she didn't work fast enough for the lunch bunch so we helped (when she wasn't looking).  There was a really very pretty panel fabric that had the appearance of red work figures, we glamed on to it, running (well moving faster than we normally do) to the front advising Bonita that we wanted some of this NOW.  God Bless her she compiled.  I did only buy one panel but the other gals were buying 2 or 3 panels, so I wasn't all bad.  I'm also going to break the other resolution, you know the one about no new projects until some UFOs are done, ya that one.  I'm going to start putting borders on the panel tomorrow.  I really tried to behave, back to the drawing board.


  1. LOL Salliejean, well you know some things we can't resist.

  2. Oh, it's good to know I'm not alone! The only reason I've never attempted a no-buy is because I doubt I'd last four days!
